Apex Theropod Deck Building Game
Apex theropod deck building game by herschel hoffmeyer kickstarter herschel hoffmeyer is raising funds for apex theropod deck building game on kickstarter.
Apex theropod deck building game. Additionally there is a high hunt point reward for this deck when cards are played from the ambush spot. There is also a unique apex ability that will flush out more prey into the hunt trail to be taken down by your ferocious pack of death lizards. Your species must overcome a very brutal environment. Each deck has different strengths weaknesses and strategies creating a varied and constantly evolving experience.
Minions spinosaurus additional new. Each deck has different strengths weaknesses and strategies creating a varied and constantly evolving experience. Suchomimus expansion deck includes. Content includes a promethean war playable apex deck of t rexes with twin linked laser cannons gatling cannon mounted pterodactyls and night goggle ed assassin raptors.
Tweet share email apex. Several apex cards in this species deck allow players to bring multiple cards from their discard pile into play when playing a single card from their hand or ambush spot. Tweet share email share this project. Ce includes the base game all available expansion decks.
It will feature a wide array of things from the promethean wars universe. Apex theropod is raising funds for apex. Apex is a deck building game played solo or with up to 5 friends. Promethean wars ltd expansion deck.
Kaprosuchus bahariasaurus new boss amp. You play as a prehistoric predator competing for territory and resources against other predators. 70 cards total 1 megalodon card divider megalodon playable apex deck new types of environment cards coastal flooding judgement day new types of prey to hunt leedsichthys titan parapuzosia big game archelon prey new types of carnivores to hunt basilosaurus predator dolichorhynchops menace new boss amp. Apex is a deck building game played solo or with up to 3 friends.
Each playable species has a unique deck to master. Minions livyatan additional new types of. Megalodon expansion deck includes. Monsoon locust plague new types of prey to hunt e g.
Collected edition on kickstarter. Nigersaurus astrodon kangnasaurus new types of carnivores to hunt e g. You play as a prehistoric predator competing for territory and resources against other predators. Choose your apex dinosaur hunt prey evolve your genetics grow stronger fight bosses and dominate your friends.
It gives die hard backers a taste of whats to come with promethean wars being incorporated as an apex expansion deck. Pre order now created by apex theropod apex theropod. Ability new types of environment cards e g. Promethean wars is their next game and to help promote the excitement they have created this.
70 cards total 1 suchomimus card divider suchomimus playable apex deck including the stomping grounds. A large and. Ce includes the base game all available expansion decks.