Apex Theropod Deck Building Game Reprint
Limited edition of the initial print run of apex theropod deck building game exotic predators le includes.
Apex theropod deck building game reprint. Minions spinosaurus additional new. 70 cards total 1 therizinosaurus card divider therizinosaurus playable apex deck including the stomping grounds. Nigersaurus astrodon kangnasaurus new types of carnivores to hunt e g. Suchomimus expansion deck includes.
Ce includes the base game all available expansion decks. Sarcosuchus exclusive to this edition bull. Monsoon locust plague new types of prey to hunt e g. 70 cards total 1 saurophaganax card divider saurophaganax playable apex deck including the stomping grounds.
Acrocanthosaurus carnotaurus giganotosaurus quetzalcoatlus exclusive to this edition bull. Each deck has different strengths weaknesses and strategies creating a varied and constantly evolving experience. 2 original pencil line drawings 18x24 apex theropod deck building game prototype ships late april apex theropod deck building game signed with exclusive backs apex theropod deck building game standard backs apex dinosaur guide official apex poster 24x36 5 digital color prints 8 5 x 11 8 nest gripmats and 1 hunting grounds gripmat. Apex theropod is raising funds for apex.
Hot springs the great valley new types of prey to hunt e g. Megalosaurus compsognathus archaeopteryx. Tweet share email apex. Ability new types of environment cards e g.
Pre order now created by apex theropod apex theropod. Kaprosuchus bahariasaurus new boss amp. Diplodocus brontosaurus stegosaurus camptosaurus new types of carnivores to hunt e g. You play as a prehistoric predator competing for territory and resources against other predators.
Apex is a deck building game played solo or with up to 3 friends. Gigantoraptor archillobator new boss amp. Each playable species has a unique deck to master. Sand storm forest fire new types of prey to hunt e g.
Each playable species has a unique deck to master. Saurophaganax expansion deck includes. Shantungosaurus deinocheirus protoceratops new types of carnivores to hunt e g. Therizinosaurus expansion deck includes.
Ability new types of environment cards e g. Tweet share email share this project. Each deck has different strengths weaknesses and strategies creating a varied and constantly evolving experience. Collected edition on kickstarter.
70 cards total 1 suchomimus card divider suchomimus playable apex deck including the stomping grounds. Ability new types of environment cards e g. Ce includes the base game all available expansion decks.