Apex Theropod Deck Building Game Expansions
Suchomimus expansion deck includes.
Apex theropod deck building game expansions. I just picked up the new retail version of the game last week and after my first solo run i decided to buy the expansions as well couldn t find promethean wars sadly. Hot springs the great valley new types of prey to hunt e g. Nigersaurus astrodon kangnasaurus new types of carnivores to hunt e g. Die hard games llc has been teased since day one to make a dino riders game.
Kaprosuchus bahariasaurus new boss amp. 2 965 backers pledged 251 736 to help bring this project to life. Apex is a deck building game played solo or with up to 5 friends. While a veggie saurus there are plenty of theories that this gigantic death chicken was a nightmare for predators that tried to attack it.
You play as a prehistoric predator competing for territory and resources against other predators. Monsoon locust plague new types of prey to hunt e g. Tweet share email apex. It gives die hard backers a taste of whats to come with promethean wars being incorporated as an apex expansion deck.
What you are imagining is a therizinosaurus the only non predator playable apex species in the game and the focus of this expansion deck. Diplodocus brontosaurus stegosaurus camptosaurus new types of carnivores to hunt e g. Ability new types of environment cards e g. Minions livyatan additional new types of.
Pre order now created by apex theropod apex theropod. Ce includes the base game all available expansion decks. Promethean wars is their next game and to help promote the excitement they have created this. Megalodon expansion deck includes.
Each playable species has a unique deck to master. Ce includes the base game all available expansion decks. Ability new types of environment cards e g. Saurophaganax expansion deck includes.
Promethean wars ltd expansion deck. Minions spinosaurus additional new. Megalosaurus compsognathus archaeopteryx. Tweet share email share this project.
However it also has many expansions saurophaganax stomping grounds suchomimus. Your species must overcome a very brutal environment. 70 cards total 1 suchomimus card divider suchomimus playable apex deck including the stomping grounds. Each deck has different strengths weaknesses and strategies creating a varied and constantly evolving experience.
Last updated august 20 2020. I recently found out about this game but it s impossible to get a hold of. Do you recommend that i go all in with these new cards or should i play more.