American Control Conference 2019 Proceedings
Association for computing machinery.
American control conference 2019 proceedings. 2019 3rd international symposium on computer science and intelligent control amsterdam netherlands september 2019. Prod cfp19acc pod isbn 9781538679012 pages 5 889 8 vols format softcover notes. Institute of electrical and electronics engineers inc united states of america pp. Proceedings of the 2019 3rd international symposium on computer science and intelligent control.
The 2020 american control conference will be held online wednesday through friday july 1 3. Jan 2020. Subject areas span the physical sciences. Proceedings of the american control conference.
1982 1988 1990 1995 1997 2009 2011 2019. Authorized distributor of all ieee proceedings publ institute of electrical and electronics engineers ieee pod publ curran associates inc. Authorized distributor of all ieee proceedings toc view table of contents publ institute of electrical and electronics engineers ieee pod publ curran associates inc. Proceedings of the american control conference citations.
Wed july 10 2019 fri july 12 2019. Engineering electrical and electronic engineering. Subject area and category. The acc brings together an international community of researchers and practitioners to discuss the latest findings in automatic control.
Browse all the proceedings under american control conference acc ieee xplore. The 2020 acc. In proceedings of 2019 american control conference acc 2019. Institute of electrical and electronics engineers inc.
Our conference proceedings program reports the findings presented at scientific meetings from large international conferences to small specialist workshops. Title 2019 american control conference acc 2019 desc proceedings of a meeting held 10 12 july 2019 philadelphia pennsylvania usa. Prod cfp19acc usb isbn 9781538679289 pages 0 format usb notes. 1 607 read 1100 articles with impact on researchgate the professional network for scientists.
The acc is internationally recognized as a premier scientific and engineering conference dedicated to the advancement of control theory and practice. Huang lingying leong alex s quevedo daniel e shi ling 2019 finite time encryption schedule in the presence of an eavesdropper with operation cost.