Ajk Mirpur Board Result 2020 Roll Number
View annual and supply ajkbise results of all 9th 10th 11th inter 12th fsc matric ssc hssc fa intermediate ssc part 1 ssc part 2 inter part 1 inter part 2 1st year 2nd year classes today online taken from ajkbise edu pk bise ajk board mirpur website.
Ajk mirpur board result 2020 roll number. All the students from these districts should appear in the. Azad jammu and kashmir board result will be available to this page for all the districts of the ajk. Bise ajk board mirpur 10th class result 2020 for annual and supply exam final result can be viewed online soon after release date time. Bise ajk board mirpur students can see 10th class matric part 2 ssc part 2 results 2020 online.
Bise ajk board mirpur latest results for 2020. View annual and supplementary ajkbise results of all 9th 10th 11th inter 12th fsc matric ssc hssc fa intermediate ssc part 1 ssc part 2 inter part 1 inter part 2 1st year 2nd year classes today online from ajkbise edu pk bise ajk board mirpur. Bise ajk board mirpur latest results for 2020. Bise ajk board mirpur matric result 2020 for annual and supply exam final result can be viewed here online soon after release date time.
Bise ajk board mirpur students can see matric ssc 9th class 10th class result 2020 online. Mirpur board of intermediate and secondary education mirpur ajk received the admission forms from the students who wanted to appear in their ajk board intermediate part 2 annual exams 2020 the candidates can get the detailed information regarding their bise ajk 2nd year result 2020 the exams department of ajk board issued ajk mirpur board hssc part 2 date sheet 2020 and roll no slips to the. Mirpur board of intermediate and secondary education mirpur ajk conducts the bise ajk matric class part 1 annual exams 2020 after issue of their ajk board class 9 date sheet 2020 and roll no slips to the students. Ajk bise 10th class result 2020 result of ssc part 2 azad kashmir can search online by roll number name school.
Find updated 10 class result of ajk mirpur board. Board of intermediate and secondary education bise azad jammu kashmir bise ajk mirpur board matric result 2020 online by name roll number for 9th and 10th class is going to be announced soon so there is a good news for all those students who have appeared in the annual examination of the board of intermediate and secondary education ajk mirpur. Ajk board 8th class result 2020 roll no. There is a total of ten districts of ajk that are mirpur kotli bhimber muzaffarabad hattian neelam valley poonch haveli bagh sudhanoti.
Ajkbise exam results of all 9th 10th 11th inter 12th fsc matric ssc hssc fa intermediate ssc part 1 ssc part 2 inter part 1 inter part 2 1st year.