Aiou Date Sheet Matric 2020
Aiou announce admission confirmation book dispatch date exam date and the result date semester spring for.
Aiou date sheet matric 2020. Aiou matric date sheet 2020. Download aiou revised date sheet 2020 as provided by allama iqbal open university for final annual exams. You will be able to check your date sheet from the. The final exams of overseas pakistani.
Aiou has held the two times admissions for all programs such as matric higher secondary school intermediate graduation and post graduate programs autumn and spring session in a year. Download allama iqbal open university supply time table 2020 for board final papers as per scheduled date time online for classes including 9th 10th 11th 12th bachelor master etc. Aiou autumn admission 2020. You have to be preplanned and ready for the exams because they schedule are about to be announced soon.
Allama iqbal open university aiou matric date sheet 2020 aiou matric date sheet 2020 matric date sheet 2020 of allama iqbal open university are available here. This is the reason that we are forecasting for you that all the students be prepared because all the date sheets are soon to be announced and you must be ready when you came to know about the date sheet. Aiou date sheet 2020 matric fa ba bs programme. Aiou matric date sheet 2020 21 is launched for the candidates of allama iqbal open university in the month of september or october when the students of matriculation are online seen full aiou nine class date sheet 2020 in this webpage.
Matric autumn date sheet aiou date sheet of autumn 2018 2020 and the exam was announced in may and june. Here you will come to know about the date sheet 2020 for matric fa and ba degree programs which is listed below on this site in details. A large number of students are studying in matric inter and bachelor classes which are taking admission this year. Aiou matric fa ba bsc date sheet 2020.
Matric inter bachelor master aiou date sheet 2020 21 the allama iqbal open university is going to launch the new aiou date sheet 2020 to 2021 matric fa ba ma programs of autumn and spring semester is available in this page for the students are get the ssc part 1 and 2 intermediate graduate and masterclasses exams 2020 registration through this university of allama iqbal. It is better to wait for date sheet after you have. Please have a look on below paragraphs for more information about date sheet 2020. Aiou matric 9 th and 10 th class date sheet 2020.
Aiou admission spring 2020. Matric spring date sheet aiou has been reannounced on 25 september 2020. There are some expectations that the aiou matric date sheet spring 2020 will announce in later this month or earlier next month.